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Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood

by Leap on January 5, 2025
75 Los Angeles

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - pinterestWe get a lot of questions about using a wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood, especially now that there is a new online system used to register for accommodations. So when our friends who each use wheelchairs were planning their trips to Universal Studios Hollywood, we hopped along for the ride and research. One friend sometimes uses a walker at home but usually requires a wheelchair for more strenuous outings. She couldn’t bring her own wheelchair with her to Universal Studios Hollywood, so she rented one in the park. The other brought her own small, electric scooter. Both of our friends can transfer to rides. Guests who cannot transfer from a chair are going to have more limited options in the park.

We had a lot of questions before our visits, such as the best place to park, how to rent a wheelchair and how to access rides and shows (as well as keeping our friends cool, safe and comfortable). We are sure many other families have similar questions, so we’ve compiled this easy guide to answer all of your questions about using a wheelchair at Universal Studios.

Everybody is different, so there is not one simple approach when it comes to using a wheelchair. If someone in your party has physical limitations or other health issues, you might be worried about using a wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood. It’s normal to have soooo many questions and concerns about this, including whether you can just show up or if you need to register in advance. Whether your family member uses a wheelchair full time, has a temporary injury or only needs a chair for longer excursions, our guide to using a wheelchair at Universal Studios should cover what you need to know. Here are some common questions about using a wheelchair at Universal Studios answered.

Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood

Can I rent a wheelchair?

If you aren’t bringing a wheelchair with you, you can rent wheelchairs (and strollers) just inside the entrance to the park. They can sell out, and you cannot reserve in advance. With that being said, arrive in the morning if you want to rent a wheelchair.

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Wheelchair Rentals

Universal Studios Hollywood rents both regular, manual wheelchairs and electric wheelchairs, also called Electric Conveyance Vehicles (ECVs). You can store your walkers or other equipment at the rental location. Manual wheelchair rentals cost $25 per day (plus a refundable $25 deposit), and ECV rentals cost $75. Prices are subject to change. Wheelchair rentals are available during Early Access. Universal has some rules for safe conduct while using a manual-driven or power-driven mobility device which you can read here.

Do I need a special pass?

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - AAP return times in 2024

It depends. You do not need a pass to rent or use a wheelchair. The queues are wheelchair accessible at Universal Studios Hollywood. Your wheelchair may send you to an alternate accessible queue, such as one with an elevator or ramp. If mobility is your only challenge, then you do not even have to apply for accommodations in advance. Just show up! No pass is needed.

If you have additional disabilities (beyond mobility) that prevent you from waiting in a conventional attraction queue, then you'll want to register in advance to see if you qualify for additional assistance. As of summer 2023, there is a new system for registering for the IBCCES Individual Accessibility Card (IAC) in advance, which can assist you in qualifying for an Attraction Assistance Pass (AAP) card at the park.

How do I get the IBCCES Individual Accessibility Card (IAC)?

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - AAP in 2024Guests requesting an attraction queue accommodation must obtain the IAC by registering at at least 48 hours before they visit the park. The IAC registration consists of an online application, which includes uploading necessary documentation. Documentation may include a diagnosis, the name of the hospital you were associated with when diagnosed or other paperwork. It does not have to be recent.

Once a guest's requirements for the IBCCES Individual Accessibility Card are met, the cardholder needs to talk to a Universal Studios Hollywood Team Member on the phone to discuss their request for an attraction queue accommodation. Universal may determine that the guest qualifies for an AAP card or that the wheelchair is accommodation enough. That's why it's important to share as much information with the park as you can.

To pick up the AAP card, guests must then visit Guest Relations upon entering the park. It's located to the right of the turnstiles as soon as you enter the park. Guest Relations is open during Early Access.

If you have an AAP card and the wait is less than 30 minutes, the team members will most likely let you in through the attraction's accessible entrance. That entrance is usually a different line from the regular queue. If the wait is more than 30 minutes, they will likely give you a return time to come back to the accessible entrance later. You may only hold one active return time at a time using the pass. Keep in mind that you may bring up to five companions for a total party size of six when using the AAP at Universal Studios Hollywood. This is a recent change. Also, the AAP does not offer accommodations for the Super Nintendo World games and challenges lines. So if you are concerned about those lines, arrive early for Early Access and complete those first.

The AAP may not be transferred or sold. It is not valid for front-row seating on rides and is only valid for the date printed on the front. If you have health issues other than mobility issues, hop on over to our overview of Universal Studios' Attraction Accommodation Program.

And again, if you use a wheelchair for mobility, you do not need to go through this process. You can just show up and be directed to an alternate queue or elevator if needed. Speaking of queues with elevators, you may need to transfer out of an electric wheelchair, scooter or ECV to a manual wheelchair for some of the tighter queues.

Where should I park?

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Handicapped Parking

If you have a disabled placard, there are a couple of places to park. There is some disabled parking near the front gate, but it fills up quickly. Level 2 of the Frankenstein Lot offers the closest garage parking and is fairly close to the park exit, which can be a huge relief after a frogciting but long day at the park.

The Jurassic Parking spaces are decent if you are bringing your own wheelchair, but if you can only walk short distances and plan to rent a wheelchair in the park, this lot can feel pretty far. We parked there first but it was way too far for a friend to walk with her disabilities, so we asked for help and got sent to the Frankenstein structure, which was much closer. Front Gate disabled parking was full by park opening when we visited.

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Wheelchair Sign

How does using a wheelchair affect rides and attractions?

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Wheelchair ramp sign for Secret Life of Pets

One of your biggest concerns may be how using a wheelchair affects access to rides and attractions. Each attraction has a different process and each guest’s disability (or injury) will affect how they access the ride, so there is not one easy answer.

Due to dramatic movement, none of the ride vehicles at Universal Studios Hollywood can accommodate Electric Convenience Vehicles (ECVs) or electric wheelchairs. Some rides can accommodate standard wheelchairs. For those, guests may transfer from their ECV or electric wheelchair into a standard wheelchair, which is provided. For most rides (except the Studio Tour), the guest will need to transfer out of the chair to the ride in the vehicle seat. In the case of other non-ride experiences, the guest may have to transfer from an electric wheelchair to a manual wheelchair. Some rides have separate loading areas and/or modified vehicles to make it easier to transfer. You may need to transfer to a provided wheelchair to access the queue for some rides. Talk to a team member about that if you need assistance.

Here is a ride-by-ride look at how people who use wheelchairs can access rides and attractions. You can get a more detailed description of each ride by consulting the Studio Map, signage outside each attraction and the Rider’s Guide for Rider Safety and Guests with Disabilities. The guide gets updated regularly, so if the link does not work, you can find the latest copy on the Universal Studios Hollywood website.


  • Mario Kart: Bowser's Challenge — You'll need to transfer from a wheelchair to ride the newest ride in Super Nintendo World. But first, you'll have to reach the ride, and that means finding the elevator as this queue has a lot of steps. Enter the building and stay to the left of the standby line. You'll enter the doors straight ahead to access the elevator. You must transfer to a provided wheelchair to enter this queue.

  • The Secret Life of Pets: Off the Leash! — This queue has a staircase, so you will use an elevator but still be able to catch most of this adorable queue. You must transfer from an ECV or electric wheelchair/scooter to a provided manual wheelchair in this queue. ECVs and motorized vehicles are not allowed in the queue. There is a ride vehicle that fits a manual wheelchair. (Be sure to look for a dog who uses a wheelchair on the ride!) Stroller-wheelchairs are allowed on the wheelchair access vehicle but must be WC19 certified or contain at least four tie-down anchors. You must step over an 11” high barrier to get into the regular ride vehicle, either independently or with assistance from your companion.
  • Despicable Me Minion Mayhem — For this ride, you must be able to take a step into the compartment independently or with assistance from someone in your party. Several vehicles have been modified to aid with transferring, so ask a team member for assistance if needed. There are some non-moving seats if you need one.
  • Flight of the Hippogriff — You must be able to step into the vehicle compartment for this ride.
  • Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey — This ride has a moving platform that allows only 30 seconds to load. For guests who have difficulty transferring and who need extra time, there is a non-moving transfer station on the second floor (you still access the same ride). Ask a team member for assistance. You cannot take ECVs through the castle line, so whether you want to ride or just experience the castle walkthrough, you will need to take the elevator to the third floor to transfer to a park-provided manual wheelchair. Then you can transfer back into your chair when done. Your ECV will be stored in a secure area during that time.
  • Jurassic World — The Ride — You must transfer into the boat for this ride. You must negotiate below-floor surface entry into the ride vehicle compartment, either independently or with assistance from your companion. A transfer device is available to aid with the transfer. Talk to a Team Member if you need assistance.
  • Kung Fu Panda Adventure — This multi-sensory theater experience is like a combination of a ride and a movie, with seats that shake and move. You may stay in your wheelchair or ECV, or transfer to a seat. There are both moving and non-moving seats. Parties with wheelchairs enter the theater first to access the last row of the front section. There is space to park, as well as seats for members of your party.

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Mummy entrance

  • The Mummy — This ride has vehicles modified to aid with transfer. You will leave your wheelchair on the loading side and then exit back towards the loading side after riding.
  • Silly Swirly — You must independently (or with help from a companion) get over a 10-inch high barrier to access the vehicle. Some ride vehicles have been modified to aid with transfer.
  • The Simpsons — You must be able to negotiate a 10-inch high barrier to get into the ride, either independently or with help from a companion. Some ride vehicles have been modified to help with transfer.
  • Studio Tour — The Studio Tour has a separate disabled line at the far end of the loading area. You may transfer from the chair to a tram seat (there is a step to get up), or you can ride in a standard manual wheelchair. The Studio Tour can accommodate some electric wheelchairs but not ECVs. Guests using an ECV who wish to ride in a wheelchair must transfer to a manual wheelchair and use the ramp.
  • Transformers: The Ride-3-D — You must be able to take a small step into the vehicle. Team members will store your chair in a separate room during the ride. They may transfer you to a manual wheelchair upon exiting to take you back to the ECV.
  • Wand Pairing at Ollivanders — To witness a wand choosing a wizard, you can approach the wizards at the entrance of the experience to enter more quickly. They will help position guests (both in wheelchairs and not) for the easiest and best viewing for everyone.

How does using a wheelchair affect games and challenges in Super Nintendo World?

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Block blast game

Some games and challenges are a bit more difficult to engage in from a wheelchair. Some require you to move very quickly or move about the space or stand and jump. So how you compete will depend on your physical abilities and maybe some help from your teammates. In team games, such as Piranha Plant Mishap and Thwomp Panel, a person can play while stationary and the teammates can run to cover other areas. It's harder to duck and jump from a chair in the Bowser Jr. Shadow Showdown challenge, but you can use your arms to swat and throw items. Read more about the games in our Power-Up Band post.

Koopa Troopa POWer Punch might be the simplest from a chair as it only involves punching the underside of a POW box.

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Koopa Troopa POWer Punch

Is it safe to leave my wheelchair while I ride?

Your wheelchair is more than likely safe. But you should take extra steps to secure your belongings, as well as the chair, by removing the key from the ECV (each ECV key comes with a bracelet) and taking valuables with you. You can fold the seat back down when parking the ECV so the seat does not get too hot if left in the sun. Keep your receipt with you just in case! And make sure to park in designated areas.

Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Wheelchair Parking

Many of the parking areas inside attractions are fairly secure in a separate room. You can use free lockers where available (such as those at The Mummy or Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey) to store valuables.

How does using a wheelchair affect shows?

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Wheelchair seating at Kung Fu Panda

WaterWorld is a show with a designated Wheelchair and ECV parking area. Arrive at least 30 minutes before showtime. Team members let guests with disabilities enter before other guests (consult team members for each show's exact timing). The wheelchair-accessible viewing areas have companion benches. All seating is bench-style without back or arm support. Guests may choose to stay in chairs or transfer. There is designated parking located at the attraction for guests who wish to transfer. The WaterWorld show has top-of-bleacher seating accessible by a lift, as well as seats and parking at ground level. Beware of lower "soak zone" seating though!

Kung Fu Panda Adventure is an animated show and an attraction. The theater has places to park next to seats. You watch from your chair or transfer to a seat.

How can I get to the Lower Lot in a wheelchair?

The Lower Lot is usually accessed via several long escalators. Naturally, that won’t work for a wheelchair or for someone with other mobility and balance issues. Near the sign for the Lower Lot, before you get to the first escalator, you’ll see some elevators on the right. Take those down to the waiting area for Alternate Transport Vehicles (ATVs). The covered waiting area has seats. Shuttle buses transport guests with mobility issues to the Lower Lot and back. During busy times, team members may restrict the person with the disability to one companion. The rest of the party can use the escalators. Guests in ECVs must transfer to a shuttle seat. We recommend visiting the Lower Lot in the morning before both ride times and ATV lines get long.

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Lower Lot Shuttle

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Scooter folded and on escalator

If you have a small, lightweight, foldable chair or scooter and can safely use the escalator while standing, a companion can hold your chair on the escalator. This saves a lot of time over waiting for the ATVs.

How do I use the restroom with a wheelchair?

There are disabled stalls in each restroom. There are family or companion restrooms at the First-Aid station in the Lower Lot near Jurassic Cafe, as well as at the family center in the Upper Lot near WaterWorld. We found the sinks challenging to access from an ECV, so we recommend bringing hand wipes and sanitizer just in case. There is a First Aid station in the Upper Lot as well.

What if my child with a disability uses a stroller as a wheelchair?

There are places you can take a wheelchair that you cannot bring a regular stroller, so just let a team member know if your child uses the stroller as a wheelchair, and you should have no issues accessing rides and shows. It’s best to visit Guest Relations when you enter the park so they can offer you information or help you formulate a plan that meets your needs.

Can I save money on Universal Express if I am using a wheelchair?

This is a question we get a lot. Having a wheelchair does not equal front-of-line access. The queues are accessible by wheelchair, so you will join the regular queue or be directed to an alternate path. The Attraction Assistance Pass is designed to assist guests who cannot wait in a traditional queue and should never be used by anyone not requiring assistance. People using wheelchairs can bring a limited number of guests with them to the attraction, and they may receive return times to come back later, which is not the same instant access pass that Universal Express ticketholders get.

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Express/Wheelchair Queue

Usually, the person needing accommodations and up to five others can use the alternate queue. But the person holding the pass must be riding, and not everyone in the party wants to go on all the rides, so if the person with the pass cannot handle the attraction or needs a break, then other party members will be left waiting in standard lines for those attractions. Universal Express can sell out on busy days, so waiting to purchase Express in the park may mean you miss out.

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Dog in Wheelchair in Secret Life of Pets It’s not always easy to get around Universal Studios Hollywood in a wheelchair. Some areas of the park have a rough terrain, which can affect some guests. Here are a few tips to help you out:

  • Try to plan your visit for a less crowded time.
  • Visit in the cooler months (November through March) to avoid getting overheated.
  • Spring for the electric wheelchair instead of a standard wheelchair to save your energy.
  • Plan to visit the Lower Lot early in the day for the shortest lines for the ATVs.
  • Bring USB phone power cords — the ECVs have USB ports and they charge your phones!
  • Arrive early to secure a wheelchair — they can sell out!
  • Wheelchair rentals are open during Early Access.
  • Get the Early Access ticket for Super Nintendo World. It will give you access to the land with the lowest crowds of the day. The games and challenges have the shortest lines of the day at this time.
  • Choose to ride the Studio Tour and see WaterWorld or visit Kung Fu Panda during the hotter hours of the day.
  • Never be afraid to ask an employee for help or information.
  • Bring hand wipes and/or sanitizer. It can be challenging to access the bathroom sinks from a wheelchair and not all bathrooms have paper towels.
  • Arrive early for WaterWorld to secure disabled seating.
  • Ask about accessible seating at restaurants. They may seat you before you order and offer you a menu to peruse at your table at certain places, such as The Three Broomsticks.
  • The shops in the Wizarding World are very tight spaces for wheelchairs. Consider doing some shopping for Harry Potter candy and souvenirs at the more spacious Universal Studio Store near the park exit.
  • Watch out when traveling over the rough streets of the Wizarding World if you have conditions that can flare up from the vibrations of going over surfaces similar to cobblestones.
  • Plan breaks, and don’t overdo it!

Tips for Using a Wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood - Simpsons

Overall, our friends each had an exciting day using a wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood. I mean, they had us frogs there to hop along, help them maximize their time and guide them toward the best experiences for their abilities, of course.

We got Early Access tickets for Super Nintendo World and completed the Lower Lot early in the day for the shortest lines (for both rides and the trip down there and back up). We consulted the weather report and chose cooler times to visit so they wouldn’t get overheated. Our group opted for indoor meals and rides to avoid the heat of the day. Our group took advantage of the USB ports on the rented ECV to keep our phones fully juiced, too! We learned a thing or two, like getting to see where service animal cages are kept and how people with disabilities can access rides from different areas. It was a hoppin’ good time for all!

If you have any tips for using a wheelchair at Universal Studios Hollywood, let us know in the comments below! Be sure to hop over for more information on managing Universal Studios Hollywood with disabilities and general tips to maximize time at Universal Studios Hollywood.

Related: An Overview of Disneyland's Disability Access Service (DAS)

Keep hopping!

Keep hopping, Leap!
View Comments


Dec 4, 2024 at 5:22 a.m.
Kendra Folsom Says...

Our wheelchair van is 8' 3" high

We always seem to have trouble parking due to clearance requirements. Will that be an issue at Universal Studios?

Dec 5, 2024 at 12:55 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Kendra!

Just an update, we were at Universal Studios Hollywood today, and even though we thought the ceilings would be high enough, we were able to confirm that the van would be too tall for the garages. But we would still suggest asking about the outdoor accessible parking areas near the front gate.

Keep hopping!


Dec 4, 2024 at 2:45 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Kendra!

We don't have the exact measurements, but the ceilings are pretty high at the Universal parking garages. There are also some outdoor accessible parking areas near the front gate that you can ask about at the parking tolls.

Keep hopping!


Jun 17, 2024 at 9:56 a.m.
Amstransfers Says...

Thank you for sharing these tips! Navigating Universal Studios Hollywood in a wheelchair seemed daunting, but your article makes it feel more manageable. I appreciate the detailed advice on accessible attractions and where to find wheelchair rentals.

Apr 29, 2024 at 4:22 a.m.
Mistee Says...

Can you take your own personal electric scooter with two motorized wheels? (ie. hoverboard, self-balancing board, electric scooter board)? Or do they rent those out in the park? I have bad knees. I can stand, but I can't walk more that 2 miles before they start hurting and I'm limping in pain.

Apr 30, 2024 at 1:15 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Mistee!

According to the list of prohibited items, hoverboards and other self-balancing boards are not allowed, but Segways may be permitted if utilized as an ADA mobility device. Otherwise, ECVs are available for rent at the park but not two-wheeled devices.

Hoppy planning!

Mommy Frog

Jan 16, 2024 at 10:26 p.m.
Rafael Says...

Thank you for the information!,,

Wanted just to ask if the open time for renting the wheelchair starts as soon as they open the entrance? In the case we will enter at 7 am for the Mario early access, are they already open?

Thank you!

Jan 18, 2024 at 3:46 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Rafael!

Yes, we have seen rentals open during Early Access.

Hoppy planning!

Mommy Frog

Dec 4, 2023 at 12:03 a.m.
Lindasue Marshall Says...

We are going to Universal Hollywood in January and although my husband does not need a wheelchair he cannot walk long distances. My concern is how will he get through the city walk to the front gates? What’s the best way is there a way to do that? Thank you.

Dec 5, 2023 at 1:08 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Lindasue!

If you have a disabled parking placard, bring it with you. Be clear with the attendant that he cannot walk far so you can get as close as possible since some of the disabled parking can still be a bit far (Jurassic Park structure). If you do not have a placard, you can pay for Front Gate parking, which puts you closest to the main entrance.

Keep hopping!


Sep 24, 2023 at 2:44 a.m.
Mindy Says...

Thank you for the great tips! I took some notes as I will be visiting Universal Studios in two weeks with my sister who is paralyzed and relies on her wheelchair. Can't wait!!

Sep 25, 2023 at 8:56 a.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Mindy!

Thanks for hopping by and sharing — hope you have a frogtastic trip!

Keep hopping!


Jul 13, 2023 at 10:09 p.m.
Fabiola Says...

Thanks for your valuable post. Do you know if the rent office is open for the early access pass? That means at 7am or even earlier?

Thank you.

Jul 14, 2023 at 2:24 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Fabiola!

We have previously seen rentals open during a visit when we used Early Entry.

Hoppy planning!

Mommy Frog

May 31, 2023 at 5:17 a.m.
Angel Townsend Says...

Hi there! Can you recommend a rental company outside of Universal Studios Hollywood with strollers for big kids - weight capacity over 150lbs. My son is Autistic and fatigues quickly...eps in sensory rich environments. I want him to be able to lay back and rest...hopefully with an attached shade to block noise/light. I found a company in Anaheim when we went to Disney Land but they don't deliver to Universal Studios. We'll be in the park on June 6th and 7th, 2023. I didn't think it would be this difficult to find an adaptive stroller for big I'm running out of time, yeep! Thanks much! -Angel

Jun 1, 2023 at 1:33 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Angel!

We don't have personal experience with nearby scooter companies, but we open this question up to others who may have some suggestions!

Keep hopping!


May 4, 2023 at 3:37 p.m.
Lawrence campbell Says...

I’m 75 and can walk pretty good but I can not stand still for any extended time. It is do to a back situation. I’m traveling with my daughter son-in-law and 4 grandchildren. Any advise would be very helpful!

May 9, 2023 at 10:15 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Lawrence!

We would suggest renting a wheelchair or bringing a walker with a chair to sit while you're in lines. If you need specific accommodations, you can hop by Guest Relations when you arrive at the park. They assign AAP on a case-by-case basis.

Keep hopping!


Feb 21, 2023 at 2:31 p.m.
Megan Says...

Hello, Question my mother can not bend her knee backwards dues to just having it replaced 2 months ago. When she tried to get on Gringotts last year she got stuck because there was no leg room. Can you please advise me what rides have extra leg room and if the rides that have special seating for wheel chair assistance do those seats have extra room? Thank You

Feb 22, 2023 at 3:08 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Megan!

Are you referring to Universal Orlando Resort (since Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts is only located in Orlando) or are you traveling to Universal Studios Hollywood this time? If Orlando, you may find hopful information in the guide for Rider Safety and Accessibility. If Hollywood, then use this guide for Rider Safety and Accessibility. If you can't find the information you're looking for, then we'd suggest reaching out to Guest Services — 1-800-864-8377 (Hollywood) or 1-407-224-4233 (Orlando).

Keep hopping!


Jan 17, 2023 at 2:14 p.m.
Joseph Says...

What is the weight limit on the EVC?

Jan 26, 2023 at 4:02 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Joseph!

The weight restriction limit is 400 pounds.

Keep hopping!


Jan 16, 2023 at 7 a.m.
Mina Says...

Hello, I was thinking of buying the express pass to avoid the big lines, but instead should I get the aap pass when I rent a wheelchair and save some money? Do the aap lines go pretty fast?

Jan 17, 2023 at 1:41 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Mina!

The AAP is not intended to provide immediate access to a ride or the ability to skip wait times. If you have an AAP, you're given a return time (that equals the current wait time) so that you can do other things, such as going on a different ride with a shorter wait, getting food or watching a show, while you wait for your return time. (So technically, you're still waiting the same amount of time - just not in a line!) Meanwhile, an Express Pass would grant you immediate access to a shorter queue.

Keep hopping!


Dec 11, 2022 at 2:33 p.m.
Debi Says...

I use a walker with a seat. Will I be able to take this into Universal with me?

Dec 14, 2022 at 12:03 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Debi!

Absolutely, you can!

Keep hopping!


Jul 6, 2022 at 8:54 p.m.
John Says...

Are knee scooters treated the same way as a wheel chair? For someone who has a broken or sprained ankle/foot. They would not need a wheel chair because they can push themselves around with their one good leg but walking even in a boot would be too much for a day at universal.

Jul 19, 2022 at 4:20 p.m.
John Says...

So I'm back to report on my own question! Good news! Universal is very supportive of knee scooters. However, your knee may NOT be very supportive of the rough ground and Universal. About half the concrete that covers the ground is stamped concrete in cobblestone or brick patterns. My knee scooter did not roll very well at all on these surfaces. I pushed through but by the end of the day my knee was finished. I was very sore the next day.

So my conclusion is a mixed bag. Universal was great dealing with my knee scooter but it was literally rough on me. Despite the bumpy ground and a sore knee we had an amazing time!

Jul 19, 2022 at 1:26 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi John!

We're so hoppy you reported back - this is super helpful information for others to know, so thank you for sharing with us all!

Hoppy planning!

Mommy Frog

Jul 7, 2022 at 1:10 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi John!

Good question! We're not toadally sure, but we'd think that knee scooters would be treated similarly because they'd still need to use a ramp. If others in the Frog Pond have experience with using a knee scooter at Universal, feel free to hop in and share your experience! Otherwise, if you still have questions, we'd recommend giving Guest Services a call at 800-864-8377 (they may not be able to discuss specifics or assign an Attraction Assistance Pass over the phone, but they might be able to provide a general idea of accommodations available for guests with knee scooters).

Keep hopping!


Jul 5, 2022 at 12:44 a.m.
Dee Says...

Are the ecvs fully charged when we get them?How long do the electric wheelchairs stay charged or do nwe have to stop to recharge during our visit?? I am coming with my husband, two children and grandchild (5 people), will we be able to use the service at the lines because there are 5 of us instead of 4?

Jul 11, 2022 at 12:45 p.m.
Behzat Eren Says...

3 years ago we visited Universal with a party of 5 adults, midweek. For my wife we rented a regular wheelchair because she was not able to walk long distances due to spine issues.

At all attractions all of us were allowed to use the wheelchair entrance.

The only attraction which we could not enter with wheelchair was Harry Potter, due to due to ride forces and possible negative effects on the spine of my wife.

Jul 6, 2022 at 1:10 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Dee!

The ECVs come fully charged so they won't need recharging that day. For the Attraction Assistance Pass, we're not toadally sure if Guest Services would make exceptions for groups of five (it would be up to their discretion!) — they may instead suggest that the fifth person use Express or Single Rider lines when available.

Keep hopping!


Jun 9, 2022 at 11:08 p.m.
Alexandra Says...

Thank you so much for this blog post!! It saved my life!! I didn't want them to push me around on my wheelchair since it would be a heavy day on the park. I went on a tour with some friends and arrived at 8am at the park so we were able to get my ECV with no problem. The cost went up to $75 dollars, but it was worth the price. All of the rides are ECV friendly and will save you from long lines, the staff are super friendly and will always ask you if you can walk a bit to get into the games. Please use ECV only if you need it, to help those with disabilities move around the park freely, I mention this cause I know people who use them just to get in front of the lines.

Apr 11, 2022 at 7:55 p.m.
Keycolgirl Says...

I definitely need an EVC how can I just make sure they have one. Is it worth using an outside company and getting it delivered to the Park

Apr 12, 2022 at 8:45 a.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Keycolgirl!

You can arrive early and rent one at Universal. It's not super critical to be there at park opening, but if Universal does run out, there would still be manual wheelchairs. If you cannot get to the park early, then we'd suggest looking into off-site rental companies, though you may need to look into where they can deliver it. It's possible that some need to deliver to your hotel instead.

Keep hopping!


Sep 12, 2022 at 12:21 a.m.
Monique Says...

Is it possible the Manuel chairs would sell out also? We are planning on going to HHN with the 2pm ticket. When I called the person made it sound like even the Manuel wheelchairs may sellout? Thanks for any info.

Sep 12, 2022 at 2:02 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Monique!

Since you have the 2 p.m. ticket, you are ahead of anyone coming in at night. It’s always possible but not likely. Even if they're sold out when you arrive, more would become available as daytime guests leave, so we'd return later but before HHN guests begin to arrive.

Keep hopping!


Apr 10, 2022 at 4:09 p.m.
Teresa Says...

Can I use my rollator while in line? I have difficulty standing so the ability to sit while in line helps and is better than a wheelchair for me.

Apr 11, 2022 at 2:28 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Teresa!

You can take it in line. They may direct you to an accessible line entrance that has no steps. You may find it worth your while to stop by Guest Relations when you arrive to see how they can best accommodate you, as the cast members may point you to special entrances or give you a card for return times.

Keep hopping!


Mar 23, 2022 at 1:23 a.m.
ML Says...

Can I put the ECV on the tour bus? We were thinking of buying the VIP tickets. My grandma can walk into the bus but needs the ECV for long distances.


Mar 27, 2022 at 7:48 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi ML!

We're not toadally sure if there is enough room on the bus. We'd suggest calling Guest Relations ahead of time to discuss accommodations.

Keep hopping!


Dec 18, 2021 at 9:18 p.m.
Pratyush Says...

Is it worth visiting if I cannot transfer out of my electric wheelchair?

Apr 13, 2023 at 11:55 p.m.
Megan Says...

Hi! Did you ever attend universal studios hollywood? I also can not transfer from my electric wheelchair and i thought i could go on the studio tour at least but now im not sure :/

Apr 14, 2023 at 8:27 a.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Megan!

You can confirm wheelchair/ECV ride policies in the Rider Safety and Accessibility guide. For the Studio Tour specifically, some trams can accommodate wheelchairs and most electric wheelchairs, but not ECVs or OPDMDs.

Keep hopping!


Dec 20, 2021 at 2:45 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Pratyush!

While we think you would still have fun at Universal Studios Hollywood, most rides do require you to transfer to the ride vehicle or a standard wheelchair (you can get more details from the Rider Accessibility guide). However, the shows have designated seating and you would not have to transfer from your chair, and a couple of attractions (Despicable Me Minion Mayhem, DreamWorks Theatre) offer stationary seating with the option to remain in your ECV. If you're a Harry Potter fan, you can enjoy the magic of the Wizarding World and see some of the smaller shows there. You could also meet characters throughout the park. Ultimately, it comes down to your decision if you think that would be worth it for you, but we hope this helps!

Keep hopping!


Dec 6, 2021 at 4:05 p.m.

I plan on renting a ev wheelchair (hope I find it) can I keep until I leave city walk after being in universal studios during day

Oct 12, 2021 at 3:36 p.m.
Lisa Says...

Is it okay to leave a regular wheelchair outside of a shop? It sounds like it might be crowded to bring it in (I can walk, just not long distances). Also, are there charging stations in different locations in the park? Thanks!

Oct 13, 2021 at 11:22 a.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Lisa!

We think you should be fine if leave it outside as long as it's not blocking anything, but you can also check with a team member nearby to see where the best place to park it would be! There aren't any specific charging stations, but the Family Center has outlets so you may be able to use the ones in there. Some restaurants may also have outlets that you could use.

Keep hopping!


Oct 12, 2021 at 7:47 a.m.
Brad Says...

I know your article says to come early to rent an EVC, but my girlfriend and I will be acquiring the 2pm-2am tickets, so that we can enjoy the regular park as well as Horror Nights. Will I be out of luck in renting an EVC by the time we arrive at 2 pm?

Oct 12, 2021 at 9:25 a.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Brad!

The availability varies by day since ECV rentals are limited and operate on a first-come, first-served basis. For instance, if it's a weekday, you may have better luck with availability when you arrive. But if they are out, there are also manual wheelchairs available for rent, or a team member may be able to give you an idea of when they expect some ECVs to come back in.

Keep hopping!


Oct 9, 2021 at 9:01 p.m.
Tami Says...


I have 2 individuals with mobility issues that want to go to universal Hollywood. In normal life, they use walkers, but a theme park is way too much for them. I was planning to rent 2 ecv but am worried about getting my parents into the park. Would taking an Uber get them closer to gate? How long is the walk from the parking lot? I could also rent the ecv’s offsite but then need to get the ecv’s to the park (one seems doable, 2 seems like a challenge). I went to six flags recently and I don’t think they could make it from the regular parking to the ecv rental there, which has me worried. Thanks!

Oct 12, 2021 at 11:37 a.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Tami!

Using a ride-share service would be a great option, depending on how far you're coming from, since the pick-up/drop-off locations are close to the gate. General and preferred parking are not incredibly far (and some spots can be closer than others), but it's about 5-10 minutes and you walk through CityWalk. We'd suggest you bring their walkers to get to the wheelchair rental if the distance may be too much for them. There is also front-gate parking which lets you park right in front of security, though it is pricier at about $60.

Keep hopping!


Sep 28, 2021 at 12:45 a.m.
Beth Says...

I’m in a wheelchair and wanted to attend Halloween Horror Nights but will this be an event I can participate in or is it not doable with the chair?

Sep 28, 2021 at 8:42 a.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Beth!

It's toadally possible! Guests may remain in a standard wheelchair throughout the event. There may be instances where it might be hard to navigate the chair in a house such as tight corners or uneven flooring, but there are team members available to assist. If there are any spots that aren't accessible in the houses such as stairs, then the team members may direct you to an alternate route. Hope this helps! If you have any other questions, you can also reach out to Guest Relations at 800-864-8377.

Keep hopping!


Sep 26, 2021 at 11:39 p.m.
Kelly Says...

Hi. We will be 5 in our party, (my husband, my 2 sons - 7 and 13 y/o, my mom who will use the wheelchair and I)

Do you think they will allow all of us to be my mom's companions when going to a ride?

She comes to visit us by the end of October.

Please let me know.

Sep 27, 2021 at 2:24 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Kelly!

The Universal Attraction Assistance Pass allows up to three additional guests (a total max of four), so you may need to split the party. It wouldn't hurt to ask if they could accommodate the extra person, but if they cannot, we'd recommend using the single rider line where offered or purchasing Universal Express for one person.

Keep hopping!


Aug 9, 2021 at 5:15 a.m.
Michelle Says...

Is there parking for evc near diagon alley and hogsmede so can walk through shops? Can walk just not long distances? Thanks

Aug 9, 2021 at 12:50 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Michelle!

There is stroller/wheelchair/ECV parking (or as the British muggles say, "tram parking") near Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey in Hogsmeade outside of the queue, and next to the Scribbulus gift shop in Diagon Alley.

Keep hopping!


Jul 17, 2021 at 11:40 p.m.
Kris Says...

Just left the park early because we found my rented wheelchair very unsteady on all the uneven surfaces, particularly the cobblestone of Hogwarts. Of course, there the park wheelchairs were sold out so we were out of luck. Dear I will be left at hotel tomorrow. Very disappointed in lack of equitable accessibility.

Jun 30, 2021 at 5:04 p.m.
Patty O’Donnell Says...

Can you reserve a ECV in advance? I will be going to Universal on Aug 9 and 10th with my daughter and grandkids and do not want to distract their fun because I am slow.

Jun 30, 2021 at 2:10 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Patty!

Unfortunately, you cannot reserve in advance. ECVs are rented out on a first-come, first-served basis.

Keep hopping!


Jun 10, 2021 at 9:31 p.m.
Donald L Taylor Says...

Does the handle bars move up to get out easy?

Jun 14, 2021 at 10:23 a.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Donald,

Yes, the handle bars on the rental wheelchairs are able to move for easy access.

Keep hopping!


May 28, 2021 at 3:12 a.m.
Lois Says...

Is it far from handicap parking to electric wheelchair rental? Do they store regular wheelchair while you rent electric?

Jun 1, 2021 at 1:52 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Lois!

Some handicapped parking areas are actually quite far from the entrance. The Front Gate spaces are the closest and the Preferred spaces are second closest, but both require an additional fee. Universal has let us store a walker one time while we rented an ECV. Hope this helps!

Keep hopping!


Oct 12, 2020 at 4:53 p.m.
Linda McElwain Says...

I have been to universal florida twice and have used both a walker and rented an evc. I would recommend the evc to anyone that has a problem walking. I didnt experience any problems at all. The staff was super nice.

Feb 17, 2020 at 7 p.m.
Charles Lewis Says...

My wife and I don't need a wheelchair, but we have problems walking long distances. I know we can rent an electric vehicle, but that obviously has some drawbacks. Are the distances in the park great enough that I would need the vehicle? It was a life saver in Disney, but I understand Universal isn't as large. We'll spend most of the time doing Harry Potter with my grandson.

Feb 18, 2020 at 3:28 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Charles!

The Upper Lot is not that big, and having a wheelchair can be a little bit cumbersome when it comes to transporting to the Lower Lot. Get either Front Gate or Preferred parking because the regular parking has a long walk to the park. You can always see how it goes and if you find you need to rent an ECV, go get one. Having the chair can shorten the amount of time you stand in line by allowing you to wait elsewhere and sending you through a shorter accessible line, so you’ll definitely be on your feet less if you have it. Have a great trip with your grandson!

Keep hopping!


Dec 28, 2019 at 3:43 a.m.
Jacqui Says...

Do they offer free escort pass for those with disabilities that need an attendant?

Dec 31, 2019 at 7:58 a.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Jacqui!

Unfortunately, we don’t know of any caregiver/escort admission discounts at this time. We’ll keep our eyes and ears open!


Nov 26, 2019 at 6:23 a.m.
Brandon bair Says...

So if I am unable to take my wheelchair in to the park then what do they do with my wheelchair when I get to the rental?

Dec 2, 2019 at 1:03 p.m.
FrogBlog Says...

Hi Brandon!

You are able to bring your own wheelchair into the park! Have a great time!


Oct 25, 2019 at 10:21 a.m.
Neomi Says...

Thank you sooooo Much for information!!! It really helped me. I was a little nervous on taking my kids tomorrow by myself, I’m getting used to trying to go to places in my Wheelchair. but with your Awesome information I now know what to do! Thank you!

Oct 25, 2019 at 8:29 a.m.
FrogBlog Says...

We are just hoppy to help, Neomi - have a wonderful time!

Keep hopping!



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